Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services
RADM (Ret.) Mary P. O'Donnell, USCGR


  • Recruitment and Retention Subcommittee Member


Other Positions/Employment/Community Involvement

  • Chief Human Resources and Mission Support Operations Officer, TAE Technologies
  • SVP Human Resources, Tri Alpha Energy
  • Director, Nevada National Security Site
  • Assistant General Manager, Bechtel Nevada Test Site
  • American Legion
  • Rotary Club
  • Tri Alpha Technologies
  • Board Member, Integrated Recovery Foundation
  • Board Member, Diablo Valley Veterans Foundation
  • Military Readiness Council
  • Flag and General Officers' Network


Prior Military Service or Affiliation

  • United States Coast Guard Reserve, 1973-2004
  • Member, U.S. Congressional Military Leadership and Diversity Commission


Highest Education (Military/Civilian)

  • BA, Ohio State University
  • MA, Michigan State University
  • MPA, Golden Gate University
  • Naval War College, Tactical Operations
  • National Defense University, Strategic Planning
  • National Defense University, CAPSTONE



  • First woman to be promoted to the rank of Admiral in the U.S. Coast Guard
  • Distinguished Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal with gold star, Navy Unit Commendation, Korean Theater Medal, Secretary of Defense Badge, various other military awards.


Recruitment and Retention Subcommittee Member
RADM (Ret.) Mary P. O'Donnell, USCGR