DACOWITS History of Recommendations - Fall Conference 1999


1. Equality Management

DACOWITS strongly recommends to the Secretary of Defense that the results of the 1997 Race/Ethnic Study and the 1995 Sexual Harassment Survey be published and disseminated as soon as possible. (Administrative Note: The results of the 1995 Sexual Harassment Survey were disseminated in 1996.The next Sexual Harassment Survey is being prepared.)

2. Forces Development & Utilization

DACOWITS recommends that, beginning now, plans for future submarine platforms incorporate appropriate berthing and privacy arrangements to accommodate mixed gender crews.

3. Quality of Life

DACOWITS strongly recommends that the DoD vigorously pursue its plan to improve TRICARE including the following:

  • Benefits
  • Access
  • Enrollment
  • Quality
  • Costs to beneficiaries
  • Claims processing
  • Provider participation in the network
  • Provider satisfaction
  • Enrollment portability
  • Beneficiary education
  • Beneficiary assistance
  • Case management
  • Guidelines and processes
  • Collection cases

4. Quality of Life

DACOWITS recommends that the U.S. Coast Guard implement, where applicable, the recommendations of the study with which DoD has concurred.

5. Quality of Life

DACOWITS recommends that all Services implement appropriate height, weight, and body fat standards that incorporate differences in gender, age, body fat composition and genetic characteristics and that they be uniformly enforced.


Chair: Ms. Mary Wamsley