DACOWITS History of Recommendations - Fall Conference 1995


1. Women in ARNG
DACOWITS recommends to the Secretary of Defense that the senior leadership of the Army National Guard develop a program to increase the number of women in the ARNG and in senior leadership positions.We further recommend that the ARNG minimize the loss of women in senior leadership positions as a result of the force restructuring.

2. Physical Standards
DACOWITS recommends that the Secretary of Defense encourage military position redesign efforts that will result in increasing the pool of eligible candidates for each military position and discourage any change in occupational physical standards that are not justified and validated.All billets and assignments now open to women should remain open while studies of physical standards/requirements are ongoing.

3. Child Care
DACOWITS commends the Secretary of Defense for the strides that he has made in the area of child care.We are aware that this is a significant issue and, therefore, we continue to recommend that priority be placed on allocating quality of life dollars (FYDP) to increase accessibility and availability of affordable child care to all members of the total force.

4. Youth Programs
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense identify youth concerns and respond by initiating and developing support programs for children 6 to 18 years of age.

5. QOL Services for Guard and Reserves
DACOWITS recommends support of the establishment of the ready reserve income insurance plan and of the dental program for the selected reserve contained in the 1996 Authorization Act.

6. QOL Family Services
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense adequately fund and implement computer connectivity of family centers making such service available to the total force.

Chair: Ms. Sue Tempero