DACOWITS History of Recommendations - Fall Conference 1994


1. Child Care
DACOWITS recommends that child care be of consistently high quality, readily available and affordable throughout the services. DACOWITS continues to support the Services effort toward NAEYC accreditation for child development centers. Readily available care includes care for infants beginning at the termination of maternity leave, expanded hours for child care development centers and family care providers sick child care and care emergency situations. Alternative, innovative and creative solutions including the development of new partnerships are encouraged. DACOWITS further recommends that child care programs receive high priority by commanders when allocating discretionary funds. In addition, up-to-date information on child care options should be widely disseminated particularly to in-processing personnel and sponsorship programs, new parents and personnel subject to unscheduled operations.

2. Women in Leadership Positions
DACOWITS recommends that military education and training programs address maximizing the full leadership potential of Service women. To this end, the Services should initiate periodic reviews and evaluation of the leadership development process in entry level career development, senior leadershipprograms, and general/flag officer training to ensure the complete employment of all Service members.

3. Diversity
DACOWITS recommends that diversity be a component of the selection of people to service leadership positions to enhance military readiness.

Equal Opportunity Employment

DACOWITS applauds the Secretary of Defense for opening greater opportunities to women by increasing the number of positions available to women. These chances enhance the already high state of readiness of the Armed Forces and at the same time expand opportunities for women in the military.

Opening Pathfinder Training to Women

DACOWITS appreciates the Army for opening Pathfinder training to women. DACOWITS looks forward to an increased number of women being afforded the opportunity to participate in this valuable training.

Chair: Ms. Wilma D. Powell