DACOWITS History of Recommendations - Fall Conference 1991


1. Repeal of combat exclusion statutes
DACOWITS recommends the Secretary of Defense Support the repeal of Tide 10, U. S. C. 6015 (U. S. Navy) and 8549 (U. S. Air Force), the Combat Exclusion Statutes.

2 . Assimilation of women into the Marine Corps
DACOWITS recommends the Secretary of the Navy review aspects of the Marine Corps which continues to hinder full assimilation of women, such as:

- syllabus differences in Basic Warrior Training/Marine Combat Training (BWT/MCT) programs at Paris Island Recruit Depot-accepted nomenclature of "Women Marines ("WM") as opposed to other Services which have discontinued use of gender specific labels,

- limited numbers of female instructors for male recruit training, and

- failure to eradicate the marketing slogan that characterizes Marine as "a few good men."

3. Women in Army Field Artillery
DACOWITS recommends the Secretary of the Army keep field artillery open to women and expand opportunities by opening Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) at the Corps level.

4. Military clubs and on-base entertainment
DACOWITS recommends the Service Secretaries ensure compliance with existing policies on entertainment in military clubs at all stateside and overseas installations.

Chair: Ms. Becky Constantino