DACOWITS History of Recommendations - Spring Conference 1988


1. Naval Mobile Construction Battalions
DACOWITS recommends that the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Navy authorize the Assignment of women to Naval Mobile Construction Battalions (NMCB's), as recommended by the DoD Task Force on Women in the Military.

2 . Women in the Coast Guard Study
DACOWITS recommends that the following issues be addressed in the upcoming study "Women in the Coast Guard":

a. Attrition of women officers from CGA, OCS, and direct commission sources as compared to men; and reasons for attrition.

b. Training needs and requirements:

-Impact of pregnancy

c. Process and efforts to recruit women to non-traditional specialties.

d. Sexual harassment.

e. Quality of and opinions about medical care.

f. Co-location.

g. Attrition of enlisted women - reasons for attrition.

h. Child Care.

i. Realignment and its impact on career opportunities and advancement for women in support billets.

3. Sexual Harassment in the Reserve Components
DACOWITS recommends that the active component leadership training programs dealing with sexual harassment be required for all present and new Reserve component commanders and that the sexual harassment programs of the appropriate active Services be incorporated into the on-going training of all Reserve component personnel.

4. Military Clubs and on-base entertainment
DACOWITS recommends that regulations and policies on clubs and on-base entertainment require thatsuch entertainment not be degrading to members of either sex

Chair: Dr. Jacquelyn K Davis