DACOWITS History of Recommendations - Spring Conference 1982


1. Repeal of Combat Restrictions
DACOWITS continues to urge the Department of Defense and the Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard to actively seek repeal of 10 U. S. C. 6015 and 10 U. S. C. 8549.

2. Uniforms
DACOWITS considers that the problems with uniforms, including footwear, for women military members have continued and been studied long enough. We recommend that the problems of design, size, quality, distribution, and availability now be appropriately addressed and promptly resolved. A simpler and better publicized system to register complaints should be incorporated into the distribution system. DACOWITS requests a progress report on the resolution of these problems in a briefing at the FALL 1982 Meeting.

3. Morale
DACOWITS recommends that each Military Service communicate to all commanders and commanding officers the need to create an open and positive climate wherein women who choose to may establish informal networks and sponsor women's seminars, to permit them associations historically enjoyed by their male counterparts.

4. Communication of Policies and Information Affecting Women in the Services
DACOWITS recommends that OSD and each of the Military Services assess the effectiveness of both the formal (directives and regulations) and informal (Commanders' Call Service magazines and specialty publications) communication methods in order to more effectively apprise both women and their supervisors in the Services regarding policies and information affecting women.

5. Research on Naval Women
DACOWITS strongly recommends that the Navy continue such studies relating to the integration of women. DACOWITS further recommends that a cross feed of research topics and methods between Services be encouraged.

6. Sexual Harassment in the Reserve Components
DACOWITS recommends that the active component leadership training programs dealing with sexual harassment be required for all present and new Reserve component commanders and that the sexual harassment programs of the appropriate active Services be incorporated into the on-going training of all Reserve component personnel.

Chair: Ms. Maria Elena Torralva