DACOWITS History of Recommendations - Spring Conference 1979


1. Repeal of Title 10, U. S. C. Sections 6015 and 8549
That the Department of Defense (DoD) be commended for its efforts torepeal 10 U. S. Code, Section 6015 and 8549. Further we urge DoD andDepartment of Transportation (DoT) attach the highest priority toeliminating these major legislative obstacles to the full utilization ofmilitary women.

2. Legislation to Eliminate Sex Discrimination in Title 10 U. S. C. - Navy and Marine Corps
That, without waiting for the passage of the Defense Office PersonnelManagement Act (DOPMA), the Department of the Navy initiate and theDepartment of Defense submit by 1 July 1979 to the 96th Congress,legislation changing any portions of Title 10, U. S. Code which providefor differentiation of treatment between men and women of the Navy andMarine Corps.

3. Legislation to Eliminate Sex Discrimination in Title 10 U. S. C. - Air Force
That, without waiting for the passage of the Defense Officer PersonnelManagement Act (DOPMA), the Department of the Air Force initiate and theDepartment of Defense submit by 1 July 1979 to the 96th Congress,legislation changing any portions of Title 10, U. S. Code which providesfor differentiation oftreatment between men and women of the Air Force.

4. Field and Organizational Clothing
That, all branches of the Services continue as a matter of high prioritythe development of functional and appropriate field (Work) andorganizational clothing to fit women in order to meet currentoperational needs.

5. Emergency Commercial Purchase of Uniform Items
DACOWITS recommends that whenever required items of field and/ororganizational clothing is only available, immediately, for women in thecommercial sector, purchase of that item be promptly authorized.

6. Army Women's Boots
DACOWITS recommends that:

a. The U. S. Army immediately stop issuing the female combat boots and dispose of the current ones through the proper channels.

b.  A total redesign of the female combat boot be immediately undertaken using a female cast, paying particular attention to theproper fitting of the hind foot.

7. Losses from Non-Traditional Fields
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense conduct a study ofone branch of the Armed Forces as a prototype to determine reasons for 1) attrition and 2) migration by sex, from fields normally non-traditional for the respective sex, to be completed and withfindings provide to DACOWITS prior to the 1979 FALL Conference.

8. Day Care Centers
DACOWITS accepts the recommendation of its Executive Committee thatupdating of information on child care facilities be discontinued.

9. Admission Standards for Military Service.
DACOWITS recommends the minimum standards for eligibility for admissionto the Services should be the same for women as for men, exceptlegitimate physical differences.

10. Loss of Duty Time
DACOWITS recommends that the DoD and DoT establish standardized criteriafor data collection by all the Services regarding loss of duty time formen and women in the Services, and report to DACOWITS by the SPRING1980 meeting its findings by specific service, sex, and cause. DACOWITSfurther recommends that an interim report be made at its FALL 1979meeting.

11. Press Coverage of DACOWITS Activities
DACOWITS recommends that the DoD assure full press coverage of thisDACOWITS meeting to include publication of Recommendations of theCommittee.

12. Assignment of PA Responsibility for DACOWITS
DACOWITS recommends that the DoD assign responsibility to a PA Officer,on a permanent basis, to provide coverage of DACOWITS activities priorto, during, and after semiannual meetings.

13. Marine Corps Standards for Promotion for Women
DACOWITS recommends that in so far as permitted by existing statutes,the Secretary of the Navy provide identical standards, including time ingrade, for promotions of men and women in the Marine Corps.

14. Equal Treatment of Women and Men
DACOWITS recommends to DoD and DoT that they support the concept thatwomen and men shall be treated in the same way whatever legislative orpolicy decisions are made concerning the draft, national services, orregistration for either.

Chair: Ms. Sally K. Richardson