DACOWITS History of Recommendations - Fall Conference 1976


1. Repeal 10 U. S. C. 6015
DACOWITS recommends that the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) direct the Department of the Navy to initiate legislation to revise or repeal 10 U. S. C. 6015, so as to provide women of the Navy and Marine Corps access and assignment to vessels and aircraft under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Navy, and that OSD direct the Department of the Air Force to initiate amendment or repeal of 10 U. S. C. 8549, so as to permit assignment of women to aircraft.

2. VFW Discriminatory on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, etc...
DACOWITS recommends in consonance with the DoD policy and pertinent directives which preclude support to organizations which are discriminatory on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, etc... DACOWITS having determined that membership in the "Veterans of foreign Wars" and in "The Military Order of the World Wars" is discriminatory on the basis of sex, the Committee therefore requests that Dod withdraw, prohibit and refuse any military service support of these organizations in "on and off" base activities. Furthermore, it is requested that this be reiterated to all installation commanders.

3. Reserve Forces Policy Board
DACOWITS recommends the Civil Action Committee requests that the ASD (M&RA) communicate to the Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy and Secretary of the Air Force the Committee's wishes that they nominate a senior military service woman to the Reserve Forces Policy Board.

4. Equal Service Obligations
DACOWITS recommends the Civil Action Committee to recommend to DoD that a bill be introduced into the 95th Congress that will insure equal service obligation for both men and women in the Reserve and Guard components.

5. Review Laws or Policies pertaining to Benefits.
DACOWITS recommends that the services review the laws and policies pertaining to the following benefits:

a. death;

b. medical;

c. military exchange;

d. commissary.

It is recommended that appropriate action be taken so that the benefits will apply equally to either spouse.

6. Physical Standards relating to Job Specialty
DACOWITS recommends that DoD request each branch of the Service to review physical standards related to the qualifications of each job specialty (MOS/NEC/AFSC) to ascertain if height and physical standards are valid requirements and necessary for job performance by men and women or should they be replaced with other job related qualifications.

7. Self-Defense Training
DACOWITS recommends that the Military Departments encourage individual self-defense training for all members of the Services and a copy of DoD's instruction to the Military Departments be furnished to DACOWITS for their information and file prior to the SPRING 1977 meeting.

8. Women in Combat
DACOWITS recommends that laws now preventing women from serving their country in combat andcombat related or support positions be repealed.

9. Selected Enlistment and Re-enlistment Bonus Legislation
DACOWITS recommends when DoD asked Congress this year to extend the Selected Enlistment and Re-enlistment Bonus Legislation, recommend that the DoD proposal contain provisions to insure that nowomen in combat/combat related or support jobs be prevented from getting the same bonus for the same work as men.

10. DACOWITS and Secretariat
DACOWITS recommends the following:

a. That DACOWITS be continued as an Advisory Committee to DoD.

b. That the Secretariat be funded for at least 2 more years headed by a military women officer grade 0-5 or 0-4.

c. That the Committee be increased to 30 members.

d. That Lieutenant Colonel Lucille B. Dion (USAF, Ret) now serving as Consultant be retained as DACOWITS Executive Secretary with secretarial help.

11. Women in the Armed Forces
Although DACOWITS realizes that the "Women in the Armed Forces" chronology was commissioned as acommemorative piece, its ultimate uses are innumerable. DACOWITS, therefore, recommends that thechronology be made available to the Recruiting Commands of the various services for distribution to high school counselors, libraries, various national women's organizations, professional organizations, etc...

Chair: Ms. Judith N. Turnbull