DACOWITS History of Recommendations - Fall Conference 1975


1. Chronological and Pictorial History of Military Women
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense produce a combined chronological and pictorial history of military women in all branches of service.

2. Minority Groups appearing in Bicentennial Exhibits
DACOWITS recommends that the Department try to insure that women and minority groups appearing in Bicentennial exhibits and graphic displays be presented as making positive contributions to the nation's efforts from the Revolutionary War through the Vietnam conflict and not be depicted in a demeaning, subservient manner; for example, only as laundresses or seamstresses.

3. Women in the Military
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense provide to the DACOWITS, as well as to the women Directors of the military components, any completed studies, reports, etc, ... that specifically impact on women in the military.

4. Bicentennial Events
DACOWITS recommends that, in conjunction with Bicentennial events, the Air Force include women when publicizing individual or group actions and accomplishments. If not already planned, the other Services should follow this same guidance.

5. Legislative proposal to Revise or Repeal Sec. 6015
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense direct the Department of the Navy to initiate alegislative proposal to revise or repeal Sec. 6015, Title 10 U. S. Code, to provide women of the navy andMarine Corps access and assignment to vessels and aircraft under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Navy.

6. Amendment or Repeal of Sec. 8549, Title 10 U. S. Code
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense direct the Air Force to initiate an amendment or repeal of Sec. 8549, Title 10 U. S. Code, so as to permit assignment of women to aircraft.

7. Combat-related assignments Survey
DACOWITS recommends that the Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) initiate and coordinate a survey of men and women members of the Armed Forces as to the desired role and participation of women in the Services in combat and combat-related assignments.

8. Women admission to the Academies
DACOWITS recommends that DACOWITS be on record as strongly approving the Act of Congress admitting women to the service academies, and stands ready to assist the several branches of the Services and the Department of Defense in the formulation of policy implementing the admission of women to the academies.

9. Women in the Service Academies
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense furnish to DACOWITS, the quotas, standards and methods of appointment established for admission of women to the three service academies. Please include rationale and/or analyses as is pertinent.

10. Women in the Service Academies
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense immediately and widely publicize the programs for admission of women to the three service academies for the next scholastic year. The deadline for the appointment of women should be extended for a reasonable period.

11. Staff Officer to each Academy
DACOWITS recommends that the Army, Navy and Air Force consider assigning a senior woman officer to the staff of each academy. Her primary duty would be to assist in the formulation of academy policy.

12. Non-discriminatory Physical Standards
DACOWITS recommends that the Military Departments develop non-discriminatory physical standards for the assignment of military personnel to select military specialties. Matching an individual's physical capabilities to the specific job requirement seems appropriate.

13. Numbers and Percentages of Women Line Officer Accessions by Career Field
DACOWITS recommends that the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) provide DACOWITS with the criteria and rationale for all numbers and percentages of women line officer accessions by career field. This should include how each service decided which billets may be filled by women line officers, both by policy and in practice.

14. Sex Education Program
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense develop, and the Services implement, a sex education program including birth control and venereal disease prevention for all officer and enlisted personnel. As a minimum, the training should be given to all incoming personnel during initial entry training.

15. Self-Defense Training
DACOWITS recommends that a course in individual self-defense be taught to all entering members of the services.

16. SPRING 1976 Conference
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense request the Defense Manpower Commission toprovide an appropriate briefing to the DACOWITS at their SPRING 1976 meeting on the Commission's findings on women in the military.

17. Support H. R. 8937
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense fully support H.R. 8937, 94th Congress, introduced by Congressman C. W. "Bill" Young of Florida and co-sponsored by Congressman L. A. "Skip" Baffles of Florida which amends Tide 10, Sec. 2031(a) U. S. Code, expanding Jr. ROTC and removing the limitation on the number of units which may be established. The DACOWITS goes on record as strongly approving this proposed legislation.

18. SPRING Conference Exit Briefing
DACOWITS recommends that the Executive Committee of DACOWITS be provided an opportunity to present a personal exit-briefing to the Secretary of Defense, at the close of the SPRING 1976 meeting.

19. Appointment as Officers in the Army, Navy and Air Force Nurse Corps
DACOWITS recommends that the Secretary of Defense require that standards for appointment as officers in the Army, Navy and Air Force Nurse Corps be equivalent to those for women in other branches of the Services. Officers in any Nurse Corps should not be appointed unless they have a baccalaureate degree from an NLN accredited program in Nursing.

20. Army Student Nurse Program and WRAIN
DACOWITS recommends that the existing Army Student Nurse Program and WRAIN (Walter Reed Army Institute of Nursing) Program be continued.

21. Student Programs for all medical Corps
DACOWITS recommends that the Department reinstate previous subsidized student programs for all Medical Corps in each Service.

22. White House Fellows Program
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense strongly encourage qualified servicewomen to apply for the White House Fellows Program by November 28, 1975.

23. Flag grade for Medical Departments
DACOWITS recommends that legislation be initiated to afford equitable opportunity for promotion to flag rank to members of all corps of the Medical Departments.

Chair: Ms. Nita D. Veneman