DACOWITS History of Recommendations - Spring Conference 1973


1. ASVAB Testing Program
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense reconsider the policies and proceduresassociated with the administration of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) testing program in order that it may be administratively feasible for schools to utilize it on an individual and small group basis, as well as a large group basis, and within a more flexible time frame.

2. Nursing Slide Presentation
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense prepare a tri-service slide presentation on the opportunities available to young women in the field of Nursing for use by DACOWITS members and recruiting personnel. Such a presentation to be prepared in modular form - one module for each service and several modules showing armed services nursing career advantages. In the designing of this presentation, consultation should be obtained form the Chief, Nurse Recruiting of the respective services.

3. Uniform Enlistment Qualifications
DACOWITS recommends that the BILL HR 3418 to amend Section 505 of Title 10, U. S. C. to establish uniform original enlistment qualifications for male and female persons be given strong support by the Department of Defense.

4. Junior ROTC Program
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense strongly support legislation requiring changes in the JROTC program whereby both male and female enrollment will count toward the minimum number of 100 students required to establish a unit.

5. Regular Appointment for Medical Personnel
DACOWITS recommends that inasmuch as the matter of regular appointment for medical personnel has been a matter of concern for approximately seven (7) years, the Department of Defense is urged to continue to press for Department of Defense legislative program item 93-34 to amend Title 10, United States Code to improve the opportunity of nurses and medical specialists for appointment and promotion in the Regular Army or Regular Air Force and authorize their retention beyond the mandatory retirement age, and that it be given high priority on the Department of Defense program list for the 93rd Congress.

6. Equality of Entitlements
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense sponsored bill promoting equality of entitlements for married military women be expedited and given highest priority on the Department of Defense legislative program list for the 93rd Congress in order to remove second rate status of married military women who remain in the Services.

7. Military Quarters
DACOWITS recommends in view of the All-Volunteer Force concept, the limitations of funds available for new construction, the escalating construction costs and the inadequacy of most of the existing BOQ's and BEQ's it is recommended:

7a. That the criteria for providing housing for an occupancy rate of 90% of permanent party personnel be substantially reduced.

7b. That apartment style living quarters (living room, bedroom, bath and kitchen) be provided for all officers required to live on base; or that the basic allowance for quarters for bachelor officers desiring to live off base be provided in lieu of adequate quarters.

7c. That small, crowded, multiple occupancy billets which do not now satisfy current Department of Defense standards for living space be converted to single apartments.

7d. That efficiency apartments be provided for grades E6 - E9; private room and bath for E4 - E5; and private rooms with shared baths for E2 - E3; or that allowance for quarters be provided for those bachelors, E4 and above, desiring to live off base in lieu of adequate base quarters.

7e. That Department of Defense appoint an advisory committee to include bachelor enlisted and officer personnel (men and women) living on military installations to advise the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Installations and Housing) on the adequacy of current construction standards.

8. Cost of Living Allowance
DACOWITS recommends that the Department of Defense initiate suitable legislation to authorize adequate cost of living allowances in the United States, in accordance with the DACOWITS recommendation made at the 1972 FALL meeting.

9. Veterans Benefits
DACOWITS recommends that the Military Department strengthen the counseling to women soon to be separated from service with specific emphasis on all available benefits.

Chair: Ms. Fran Harris